Connecting the Horizon to YOUR Heart. / by Christiane Palpant

As I ponder the month of May:

winter shakes off its sleepy solitude and spring bursts forth with colors that seem so vibrant out of shear contrast,

it is the closing of one chapter, the beginning of another,

the ebbs and flow of life seem even more poignant than our traditional mark of New Year in January. 

During this time period, scrolling through social media boasts new births, graduations, marriages,

and contrasts with life’s more trying moments of hospital stays, surgeries, and even deaths. 

The month of May is a powerful time that touches each of us deeply.

As I grow comfortable in my fifth decade, I realize it is those necessary winter months that make May seem so vibrant.  During my last visit to New York, I saw a stunning quote etched into the front window of a Manhattan building…

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer. – Albert Camus

After pondering these powerful ebbs and flow of life, I believe it is for these reasons that I am drawn to paint sunrises and sunsets.  Similar to spring, sunrises burst forth with colors that seem so vibrant out of sheer contrast to the inky darkness that blanketed the horizon just moments before. 

My May exhibition at Agora Gallery in New York City was a beautiful experience. 

This link shares a brochure of my current artwork at Agora:


My goal is to CONNECT THE HORIZON TO YOUR HEART through my art by

sharing a sense of hope, peace, beauty, and resilience AND

·       to finish painting the horizons in the last 9 states of my Millicent van tour by the end of July 2023. I have already completed 42 states of the 50-state journey,

·       to sell all 16 paintings at Agora Gallery by the end of September 2023,

·       AND in my lifetime to have my horizon paintings in homes in all 50 US states,

·       AND hang my paintings in the lobby of every hospital and assisted living facility in the US,

·       AND to become the best painter in the world of horizons that evoke emotion.

These are lofty goals, but I’m naming it, and claiming it.

This is where YOU come in…contact me if you are interested in a painting for your home, know an interior designer, or decision maker at hospitals or assisted living homes.

You can reach me at:

                           Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

As we ponder our endings and new beginnings during this month of May, take heart for the invincible summer is around the corner.

You are in my heart.

Christiane Palpant