FAQ w/ CP by Christiane Palpant

Millicent the Sprinter Van

Millicent the Sprinter Van

Dear Friends,

After living through ten months of 2021, I believe we likely can agree that this year is vying to keep pace with the drama of 2020.  If you are like me, perhaps you have found yourself experiencing both extremes of hopefulness and pessimism, almost like a geological dig of emotions.  These seismic shifts offer the opportunity for significant change, and my life is dramatically different from when I last wrote to you.  Just three years ago this week, I experienced open heart surgery to address the pericarditis from which I had been suffering for five months.  That seems a lifetime ago as this spring I poised myself for yet another significant shift in my life.

The Big Change

In March, which now seems like a light-year ago, I sent correspondence to you that expressed, “Some days I dream of hanging up the J-O-B and buying a Sprinter Van to drive around the country while painting.”  After hours and hours of dreaming and detailing those dreams on well-structured spreadsheets and talking with wise counsel…I did just that!  I am taking a “sabbatical” from my 25-year career in financial services.  Supporting this decision is the fact that my health now is stable, and I have been “steroid free” for five months.

Enter Millicent the Van

If you’ve been following social media, you have already been introduced to my Sprinter Van, Millicent.  #MillieVanMasterpiece or #PalpantArt.  Millicent is currently in customization “surgery” in Cincinnati, Ohio to become my future 100 square feet adventure living quarters for the next year. 

I have received dozens of questions about this 180-degree turn that my life is taking with Millicent as a central character.   For those who desire more detail, I have included answers to the most common questions at the end of this correspondence.

Because I don’t watch television, I did not realize there is presently a ‘van life’ movement that has its stories of triumph and tragedy.  My heart and creativity alone, however, are what have drug me into this new rip current.  Customizing the van has taken longer than I expected, but that really should have been expected!  I feel like a cowboy in an old western movie who climbed a fence to dramatically jump on the nearby galloping horse for a ride into the sunset.  In my case, I jumped on the fence, but my horse is still in the stable and the blacksmith is still making the shoes!

And so, I wait….! 

So, About My Art

In the meantime, my painting journey continues to build momentum (perhaps faster than Millicent), and I have enjoyed the gritty process of preparing for art exhibitions.  As you may know, earlier this year I had successful exhibitions in New York and Scottsdale, Arizona.  Next month, in November, I have paintings going to a show in Sacramento, California and to a gallery in Paris, France for an exhibit titled “Never Give Up”, about the creative process during the pandemic.  Also, in December I have several paintings going to an exhibition in Miami, Florida. 

Here are the details for the four upcoming shows featuring my artwork. Come join!

The dates are:

10/26-11/13/21              Sacramento Fine Arts Center, California

11/17-11/26/21              Monteoliveto Galley, Paris, France

12/01-12/05/21              Red Dot at Mana Wynwood, Miami, Florida

03/01-03/22/22            Agora Gallery, New York, New York

My artwork can be viewed and purchased at:


Can’t Travel, No Problem - Join Me!

On my website I will keep a journal of the adventures, art exhibition dates, photos, and videos at:


You can follow me on social media:

#PalpantArt and #MillieVanMasterpiece

Connecting with family and friends around the world has never been more important, and we have so many ways in which to do it!  Do not hesitate to reach out to me via social media or email at crpalpant@gmail.com.  I would love to connect with you when Millicent and I travel across your neck of the woods.

Until then, be well!

Christiane Palpant



During the past few months, I’ve been asked dozens of questions about my upcoming van journey and art.  Here is the first FAQ w/ CP and many more to follow.  Keep your questions coming!


Q: When will you start your van adventure with Millicent?

A: My current hope is to start my Millicent van trip January 2022.  If the van is ready sooner, I’ll start sooner.


Q: What is the purpose of your van adventure?

              A: There are five goals for my Millicent van venture.

1.       Paint in all 50 states.

2.       Interview women along the way who have experienced dramatic shifts in life and who have consequently made courageous decisions that have ultimately changed the trajectory of their lives.  Here’s a secret, this is the part of the journey that scares me the most.  Driving a big van into regions unknown, doesn’t scare me at all.  It’s far more terrifying to journey inward to the vulnerable and real.  So, with that said, I’ll dive in, hopefully the water is warm!       

3.       Write a book.  I have 3 book ideas that are bubbling forth and have me actively writing.  I am aiming to capture that creative flow.  More to come on that.

4.       Teach an online class at Georgia State University called Principles of Professional Sales, as I have been doing the last couple years.

5.       Connect with old friends, new friends, and family.  Our connections are a beautiful part of life!


Q: How long will you be gone on your van venture?

A: The original plan was for a 12-month tour, but I am currently in talks with an organization for a full-time engagement that would start August 2022.  The Millicent tour may be 9 months.


Q: What is your route?

A: If I start this winter, I will immediately drive south to Florida and then west through the Mississippi delta, to Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona and then north on Hwy 1 along the Pacific coast.  Once the weather opens up for spring, I will zigzag my way through the Midwest and up through the northeast.


Q: Will you drive to Alaska?  And are you going to Hawaii? 

A: At this point, I believe I will need to fly to Alaska and Hawaii.  Yes, I am going to both states.  (Millicent doesn’t float!)


Q: Have you been to all 50 states before?

A: Yes, because of my 25-year career in financial services sales, I’ve visited banks in all 50 states.  This time around the suit jacket is coming off and I will have a paint brush and camera in hand.  As a result of my travels, I am blessed that I have a network of friends in 47 of the 50 states.  (Anyone know good people in Delaware, West Virginia, or South Dakota?)  I’ll be contacting you to visit while I drive through your state!


Q: What is the living arrangement like in Millicent the van? 

A: Millicent is a Sprinter 3500 XL.  Currently under construction is a kitchen with sink/two burner stove/refrigerator, a bathroom with toilet/sink/shower, two table areas with U-shaped seating in the back, a queen-sized bed that is on the ceiling and will descend by a push of a button, storage area for a bike and inflatable paddle board.  Watch social media for pictures!


Q: Where did the name Millicent come from?

A: As a child, my family played a board game called Masterpiece.  It mimicked a Sotheby’s style art auction and my persona for the game was always ‘Millicent Friendly’.  You should google her, she’s a real beauty!  Since I will be painting in the van, I thought Millicent was the perfect name.  As a result, my hashtag is #MillieVanMasterpiece.


Q: Why are you customizing a van rather than just buying an RV?

A: Because of supply chain shortages, it is difficult to find a van sized RV.  I found a cargo van in Cleveland, Ohio and bought it.  Friends connected me with a customizer.  But…the customization is tedious.  Not for the faint of heart.


Q: What safety precautions will you take on your journey?

A: I have made an entire list of features, technology, actions, and road smarts that I will use on the trip for safety.  My mother is somewhat satisfied with my approach. 


Q: How will you paint while on the road?

A: The van will have two tables on the inside and one on the outside.  There is a headliner shelf for storage. My canvases will be a bit smaller, such as a 10”x10” range.  I will fly back to Atlanta from time-to-time to paint large format for the galleries. 

During my trip, Agora Gallery has asked me to take over their Instagram feed on a weekly basis.  I’m excited about that and I am currently brainstorming with their staff.  Agora Gallery can be followed on Instagram @agoragallery or @agoragallerynycfanpage.  Agora’s website is https://www.agora-gallery.com/.


Q: Do you ever question this hair-brained idea?

              A: Definitely! But I am convinced it will lead to beautiful connections and captivating horizons.


Q: How can we follow your journey?

A: My blog will be posted at http://palpantart.com/blog

Or you can follow me on social media:

Hashtags =         #PalpantArt and #MillieVanMasterpiece


I will keep you posted as this journey unfolds, and I look forward to seeing you along the way!


Christiane Palpant


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