Mistakes, Millicent, and Masterpiece / by Christiane Palpant


Cincinnati, Ohio has been the incubation site for Millicent the Sprinter van over the past nine months.   During that time, my personal metamorphosis has been nearly as significant as Millicent’s.  Moving away from a two-decade image in a business-suit jacket to a new figure as artist, teacher, and adventurer. 

This metamorphosis has brought with it the practices of mindfulness, creativity, and purposeful living, but despite this positive growth, I seem to be making more mistakes at this heightened speed!  For example, I have been guilty of forgetting friends’ significant birthdays, missing important text messages, not remembering to whom I’ve told what, or neglecting to write a thank you note.  For those of you who have been the “beneficiaries” of such oversights, please know, I do not love you any less.  Not at all! 

In child development it is a well-known fact that children pause growth in some areas when they have a growth spurt in others.  It’s hard for them to flourish in all areas at the same time.  So, I hope you can have patience with me as I am wobbly and making more “mistakes” than usual during this stage. 

There is not a clearly defined path for life changes, I am learning.  It’s a little bit…or a lot a bit…messy.  Please tell me I’m not the only one.  Do you ever feel that way too? 


During the holidays I wondered aloud if Millicent the van was a mistake.  Since then, it seems Millicent has made progress with leaps and bounds and now we are rounding the final lap before delivery.  I now have a sense of urgency to make sure all details are buttoned up.  My spreadsheets are overflowing with ‘to do’, ‘to buy’, ‘to go’, ‘to contact’! 

Agora Gallery is announcing the Millicent tour today in their newsletter. (For a LINK to the Agora Gallery Newsletter click here.)  And I am beginning to set dates for my Rand McNally route and Millicent parties in Atlanta, Adrian, and Otto, before the nationwide tour.  I’d love to see you then.  (Maybe during those parties, I can wish all of you a happy belated birthday and give you a long lost thank you note.)      

Masterpiece…the art journey.

After six art shows in the past nine months, I have now signed with a gallery in Lisbon, Portugal.  They saw my work in New York last May and feel like it is a good fit for their gallery.  I also have another show in New York this March.  The details of both shows are below.  Additionally, there is a new and super exciting development unfolding, but I’ll have to share that in the next blog post when the contract is signed.    

Current and Upcoming Events:

Monteoliveto Gallery in Napoli, Italy – Sur La Route – January 2022

Millicent Tour Launch – February 2022? (Maybe Valentine’s Day…we’ll see.)

Agora Gallery in New York City – March 1 through March 22, 2022 – Interconnection and Intuition, Reception March 3 at 6:00 pm. (Click HERE for further information.)

Colorida Art Gallery in Lisbon, Portugal - November 26, 2022 - March 31, 2023

With that said, thank you for your friendship and perhaps I’ll see you soon with Millicent in tow!

Christiane Palpant

PS: Millicent is currently in Cincinnati, which is also home of the new American Football Conference champs, the Cincinnati Bengals.  Is this good luck for Millicent?  I think so.


Mistakes, Millicent, and Masterpiece