Millicent Tour…a trip or a journey? / by Christiane Palpant

Is the Millicent Tour…a trip or a journey?

During the last two weeks, Millicent the Sprinter van and I have started rumbling down the highway and getting used to our mutual creaks and groans.  I quickly crossed off seven states, engaged in three media interviews, held two community parties, and started painting and filming conversations with courageous women.  While filming one such discussion, my former college roommate asked me,

“Is the Millicent Tour a ‘trip’ or a ‘journey’?”

She expanded the question by asking if

driving to all 50 states is the end goal,

or is it more important to dive deep and

capture creative paintings

and powerful stories?


My left brain loves setting and driving toward goals. (I may have inherited this trait from my mother.)  This is the side of me that functioned successfully in a corporate environment.  But while on extended bedrest during my health healing I realized the importance of living slowly.  In fact, when I woke up yesterday morning, I heard,


“Slow down and listen.”


I am realizing the Millicent Tour is a trip across the country, but more importantly it is a divine opportunity to capture creativity, share compassion, and spread powerful stories of resilience.


I’m listening…more to come.


We Are Intertwined Rosé

As some of you know, my artwork is on the Rosé label, We Are Intertwined.  This is through partnership with City Winery, The Foundling, and Agora Gallery.  Proceeds go to benefit The Foundling and their work to strengthen children and families. 

Intertwined Rosé must be purchased by April 8th at


Michigan Millicent Gathering

We are aiming for an Adrian, Michigan Millicent gathering in the next few weeks.  I’d love for you to join.  I’ll send details soon.

I look forward to seeing you along the Millicent journey.

Christiane Palpant and Millicent

Questions and Answers:

1.      How many states have you already covered: 7 states down, 43 to go! (Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina.)

2.      How do you find where to stay?  There is an app called Harvest Host that offers an Air B&B type arrangement for RVs.

3.      Did you really spend the night in a Walmart parking lot?  Yes.

4.      What media interviews did you have while on the road so far? Three local affiliates in Chattanooga, TN.  (Thank you, Kim K George.)  Growing Bolder in Orlando, FL.  (Thank you, Amy Sweezey.)

5.      How is painting going while traveling? It’s been difficult to paint outside because of the wind and rain.  But I’ve finished two commissions and a large new painting for a restaurant in NYC.

6.      How are the interviews going with women you meet on your journey?  This is the part of the journey that scared me the most, and so far, I am really enjoying the interview process.  The conversations have been meaningful, and I love editing the footage.  I will post the content on my website in the near future.