I Would Rather Dump A Black Water Tank…Than Have COVID / by Christiane Palpant

Now, I can add BOTH dumping black water AND COVID to my ‘completed list’.

I jinxed myself when during my last blog post I wrote,

After my root canal…let’s see what’s next.”

COVID stepped in line!

From now on I need to choose my words more carefully.

Hayes State Park Sanitation Station, the site of Millicent’s first black water dump.

Recently, I returned to Michigan for my dental coronation, after which I repacked Millicent to head on a northeast tour. My next 14-state journey was to include: celebrating birthdays with friends, finally meeting acquaintances who share my same pericardium disease, and painting with the Director of Agora Gallery.

While Millicent’s engine was literally running, we decided to test an ailing family member for COVID. The test was positive, and this result literally put the brakes on my plans yet one more time. Of course, I would stay and care for my family in a time of need, plus I need ‘white sheep status’ points. (This is an inside joke I play with my siblings to gain supposed favoritism from our parents.)

While caring, cooking, and cleaning, I too finally succumbed to the nasty COVID virus. 

Several friends have recently asked about my whereabouts.  Much to my chagrin I’ve been in BED as Millicent readily sits in the driveway waiting on me.  That’s a first, as I have been (impatiently) waiting on her metamorphosis.  In a curious turn of events, she’s now ready and I am not. 

I won’t wax poetic about the lessons learned from the challenges of this Millicent journey because I am still too close to see anything but a myopic blur. 

 It’s cringe worthy to think that the silver lining has been learning how to dump the black water tank in Millicent.  (Black water is the RV term for ‘wastewater’ from the toilet and other drains.  Google will provide more information than you ever wanted to know.) 

For my own entertainment and yours, I videoed the highlights of Millicent’s first trip to the Sanitation Station. 

My mother watched the video and winced, “I can’t believe you would be willing to do that.

You looked so terrible!”

Thanks Mom!  I can always count on her for the truth.  (I won’t tell her that I am sharing the video with you.  She would be horrified.)

When COVID is in my rear view mirror, I will let you know where Millicent will go…and hopefully it will be vistas more exciting than the dump.

Upward and onward…

Christiane Palpant (and Millicent in waiting)

PS: Most importantly after the news of the Texas shooting and the resurgence of COVID, I wish for all of you, health and safety!

PSS: I tried to be as discreet as possible while talking about Millicent’s WC, but the videos are not for the faint of heart. In fact, van life is not for the faint of heart. You are forewarned.