Renewed Perspective / by Christiane Palpant

Yesterday, someone contacted me with excitement to say they were driving through the very place in Florida, Paynes Prairie Preserve, where I had painted on the Millicent trip!  They bought the corresponding piece and have selected the spot where it will hang in their home. 

To see my current, available Millicent tour paintings, go to:

While looking for the picture of that Florida painting, I ran across a more important photo of the same piece reflected in a mirror handed down from my grandmother and my mother. 

My mother’s words of advice ran through my mind,

“Always step back from a painting and look at it again through a mirror.

It will give you a renewed perspective.”

With that, she gave me my grandmother’s mirror stained with paint from many years of use, which makes it far more valuable to me.  That mirror rode 14,000 miles on the Millicent trip, and I dutifully used it to look at each painting with fresh eyes. 

During this ‘renewed perspective’ process, I always take a deep breath, walk a couple of paces, and gaze into the glass.  Each time this new angle gives me the keys to unlock answers to problem areas on the painting.  The context, values, and balance always seem brand new. 

The analogy for life seems clear and probably does not need me to draw the parallel.  Suffice it to say, every time I’m in a personal sticky situation I take a deep breath, walk a few steps, stand on my tiptoes to see a figurative new perspective.  Giving space, time, and a new angle can resolve many problem areas. 

Thanks Mom, for that valuable artistic and life lesson!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Christiane Palpant        

PS: On November 6, I had a Millicent art show in Atlanta.  It was such a thrill to see friends face-to-face. A big thanks to all those who joined and purchased a piece of the Millicent trip memory.  My hope is that it too will give you renewed perspective! See the pictures below.

For available art from the first 33 states, go to:

The current pieces are only available in November 2022. 

New paintings will be posted for December 2022.

PSS: The Millicent tour will restart in December and January and will include 7 new states. (Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.)

Paynes Prairie Preserve, Florida