What do Hollywood Producers and Hot Flashes Have in Common? (Or, now let’s talk about art.) / by Christiane Palpant

There is sound advice I am giving myself for next time; if there is ever a ‘next time’.  I told myself sternly, “Never meet a high-powered Hollywood producer while in the throes of a hot flash.” 

Years ago, I remember ladies of a certain age talking about hot flashes and I distinctly remember not wanting to hear the details, until it happened to me. 

Another hot flash combusted through my body and while feeling like Joan of Arc burning at the stake,

my doorbell rang…

For those readers who would rather hear about my five art exhibitions before the end of the year, and who do not want details of hot flashes, film producers, or rheumatologists you can skip to “NOW LET’S TALK ABOUT ART”.

Much like in written music, we are going to use “Dal Segno” and “Al Coda” so you can skip to your preferred art section! 

My doorbell rang…I knew it was a Hollywood film producer arriving

to review my house as a possible rental.

Sweat was pouring from my forehead, and while folding laundry I was praying for God to relieve me from my searing misery.  Without thinking, I used a pair of my underwear from the laundry to wipe my brow and ran down the flight of stairs to answer the front door. 

I stuck my hand out to greet the handsome, famed producer half-my-age and realized the panties were still wadded in my palm.  We both looked at the garment in confusion and horror.  I quickly stuffed the undies in my pants pocket, which made me look like a sweating pig with a right hip tumor.  The award-winning producer wasn’t laughing…neither was I.

This experience made me wonder if I could bring back the super-sexy Olivia Newton John sweat headband.  I’m going to look into it.

While my mind was miles away, the LA executive said to me, “We’ll take it for six months while I am filming in Atlanta.  We’ll move in on Sunday.”  He said it as a statement, not as a question. 

Again, my thoughts wandered.  I thought briefly about the fact I would be homeless as I simultaneously said, “Move out in three days?” 

Of course, he had made me an offer I could not refuse.   So, I blurted, “Sure, that should be fine.” 

My brother-in-law said to me, “Did you think about having a contingency plan before saying ‘yes’?”  Nah, as they say, “Leap and the net shall appear.”  Although, I am proof that if you leap you can fall straight through the net that you imagined.  I must have had some sharp objects with me while falling because I cut some van sized holes in my safety web. 

So, as the producer was moving in one door of my home, I was moving out the other.  Between the moving musical chairs, 90+ degree heat, and the first week of teaching as a professor, the old pericardial pain in my chest returned with a vengeance and wouldn’t go away.  I shouted, “Seriously, of all times?!”  (Yes, I talk to my heart.) 

Interestingly, the pain and the ensuing visits with the rheumatologist and the following medicine regimen reminded me in such an intimate way of WHY I actually began this next chapter of my life journey.  The art, Millicent the van, and professorship would have NEVER happened without it.  Never! 

Sometimes the storm clouds can be so ominous,

but thankfully the silver lining can be so incredibly vivid.

Yes, the pain made me feel like I was returning to square one, but this time it gave me a refreshed gratitude for the good days, and I am so incredibly thankful for this beautiful AND unexpected journey.  Am I thankful for hot flashes?  Not really!  But I am getting used to them.


MY FIVE ART EXHIBITS BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR: Atlanta, New York, Italy, France, Portugal

This week, I signed my third-year contract with Agora Gallery in New York City.  They have been a terrific and supportive partner and I thoroughly enjoy working with them.  In fact, the director, Sabrina Gilbertson, and I painted together this summer while I drove Millicent, my rolling studio on wheels, through New York.  It was a treat!

Monday, October 3rd, I will attend a private show at Agora Gallery in partnership with The Foundling.  My work will be featured and the rosé with my label will be served.  Does anyone want to be my +1?

Save the afternoon of Saturday, November 5th on your calendar.  I will host an exhibition in Atlanta with my paintings of the first 38-states.  They will be available for purchase in-person and online.

Naples, Italy – Monteoliveto Gallery included my work with their current exhibition #OurFuture. 

Paris, France – The week of November 21st, I will be painting LIVE at Monteoliveto Gallery in Paris during their art reception.  That will be a new experience and very fun.  No pressure!  

Lisbon, Portugal – My work will be on display at Colorida Gallery from November 26, 2022, through March 31, 2023.

Yes, I plan to go to both Paris and Lisbon, even though I couldn’t be present for the Naples show.  If you are eager to travel across the pond for Thanksgiving week, I’d love to see you and I’ll keep you posted about dates and details.

A month ago, I began teaching full time at Georgia State UniversityYou can call me Prof CP.  I am incredibly passionate about my classes and thoroughly love it!  Each time I walk away from campus I think, “This is exactly where I need to be.” 

Update on Millicent the Sprinter Van, after our first 38-state tour, she returned to the garage for some spa treatments.  I will reunite with her after my NYC event and drive her back to Atlanta for some hub-and-spoke trips this fall.  My goal to complete the last 18 states: hit the deep south and Texas this fall, the southwest and Hawaii during this holiday break, Alaska in June, and the Pacific Northwest in spring and summer 2023. 

Giddy up.

And, I promise to never mention hot flashes again!

Christiane Palpant and Millicent